SR 14/I-205 to SE 164th Avenue – Auxiliary Lanes
Section 106 of the NHPA | Vancouver, Lewis County, WA
CRC completed a cultural resources survey for the SR 14: I-205 to SE 164th Ave Project in Vancouver, Clark County, Washington. This project involves widening of the highway and associated stormwater facilities by the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), which was expected to be subject to permitting by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) and requiring review for effects to historic properties through Section 106 of the NHPA. The area of potential effects (APE) was established through consultation by WSDOT, involved agencies, and affected tribes. CRC's assessment was developed to identify any archaeological or historic sites in the project.
Background research and field investigations conducted to date by CRC resulted in the identification of 18 historic single-family residences, several of which had been previously inventoried, and one historic fish hatchery complex in the APE’s area of indirect impacts. These were inventoried and evaluated for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Of these, the fish hatchery complex was recommended eligible for listing and consists of both contributing and non-contributing structures. Although the fish hatchery complex is within the one-parcel buffer designated as the area of indirect impacts, the project is not anticipated to cause any effects (e.g., changes to viewshed). No significant historic structures will be directly or indirectly affected by the proposed project. No evidence was found to suggest that a previously recorded archaeological site, located adjacent to the project, extended into the project location. Survey demonstrated that the project location had been significantly impacted by the development of transportation routes, utilities, and other associated infrastructure leaving the project location highly modified. The potential for significant (i.e. intact) archaeological deposits to be contained within the project was considered to be low. No further cultural resources investigations were recommended. It was recommended an inadvertent discovery protocol be implemented.