CRC capabilities include cultural resources sensitivity evaluation and modeling; literature searches; cultural resources surveys to locate, identify, and evaluate archaeological and historic properties; archaeological excavations; historic context studies; historic property management plans; geomorphological/geoarchaeological investigations; National Register Nominations and HABS/HAER recordation. CRC prepares technical reports, regulatory documents for local, state and federal compliance (including SEPA, NEPA, Section 106 of the NHPA, and Washington State Executive Order 05-05), cultural resources mitigation plans, Memoranda of Agreements, permit documentation, cultural resources inventory forms, and computer databases. CRC typically provides the following project components as part of a cultural resources assessment:
Archival Review
CRC conducts a search on Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation’s (DAHP) WISAARD system to identify recorded historic built environment, historic register listed properties, archaeological sites, cemeteries, and previously completed cultural resources assessment in proximity to the project location. CRC will review of relevant correspondence between the project proponent, stakeholders, and DAHP. CRC will review of pertinent environmental, archaeological, ethnographic, and historical information appropriate to the project location from a variety of available resources. The goal of background research is to provide contextual information regarding the natural environment and cultural use of the project location, identify recorded cultural resources, and determine the potential for as-yet unrecorded cultural resources to be encountered during proposed project actions.
Tribal Communication
CRC contacts the cultural resources staff of tribes that may have an interest in or information regarding the project location. This communication is intended to inform the cultural resources assessment and does not constitute government-to- government consultation. Copies of this correspondence and received responses will be included as an attachment in the cultural resources assessment.
Field Identification
CRC conducts field investigations of the project location to identify archaeological and historical resources. Investigation will include pedestrian survey and subsurface excavation in amenable environments that have the potential to contain buried archaeological deposits. Methods will be consistent with DAHP guidelines.
Documentation of Findings
CRC documents and records identified archaeological and historic sites within the project location on DAHP archaeological and/or historic site(s) forms. All identified resources will be photo-documented and recorded in the field. Archaeological materials or deposits will be documented and reburied, if appropriate, within the find location. Cultural resources will be evaluated for significance following local, state, and/or national significance as appropriate based on the project’s regulatory nexus. Documentation will be consistent with DAHP standards and will be completed on DAHP’s WISAARD system.
Preparation of Cultural Resources Assessment Report
CRC prepares a technical memo describing background research, field methods, results of investigations, and management recommendations. The report will provide supporting documentation of findings, including maps and photographs, and will conform to DAHP reporting standards and the appropriate requirements based on the regulatory nexus. Report and support materials will be provided electronically in PDF format. An inadvertent discovery protocol and primary contacts will be provided as an attachment in the assessment. This task includes one round of consolidated comments from the client prior to the submission of the final report to DAHP. CRC will assist the client in submitting the cultural resources assessment and any associated documentation to DAHP, via their WISAARD system.
Inadvertent Discovery Protocol
CRC provides a document outlining protocol for the actions to be taken and contact information for lead representatives and primary contacts for each project in the event that any ground-disturbing activities result in the inadvertent discovery of archaeological resources and/or human remains. CRC staff are capable of providing cultural resources oversight for projects that have resulted in inadvertent discoveries on an as needed basis.
Project Schedule
For typical cultural resources assessments, CRC completes field investigations within 30 days of the signed contract with the final report submitted to the client within 30 days of fieldwork completion; though many projects are completed in a shorter timeframe as availability allows. CRC understands that not all project timelines are typical and we work hard to meet project schedules that may have a more expedited timeline.
For more information about our services please contact us.